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Years of targeted training in Qi Gong not only strengthens the physical health, but also the thinking consciousness.  Reawakening the body ´s sel-healing powers is entirely possible through firmly anchored exercises

There are countless of methods that can be used for the cultivation of the body & mind and there are equally infinite theories from the classical texts of Chinese medicine, such as Yin/Yang theory, the Five Elements theory, etc. that can support your own practice. 

Almost all of them reminds us that we have to be constantly mobile, uninhibited and relaxed, because it is crucial for maintaining life.  The integration of meditative practices in a daily life setting is effortless with the right technique.

Daoist medicine, especially Qi Gong and breathing exercises, chanting, and other ancient ritual arts, have memory functions.  it reminds us to regenerate ourselves naturally, since through physical and mental exercises one ´s own Qi will be stimulated & illuminated.